Evaporation of Problematic Liquids
BJORN Vacuum Evaporator ELT Easy Access
- Concentration and recovery of problematic effluent:
Waste ink, lacquers, paint, glue etc.
High level of concentration
Easy manual cleaning of the heat exchanger
Environment safe vacuum operation
Energy saving heat recovery
Very low temperature, no product decomposition
Minimum fouling and scaling within the heat exchanger due to the extra water jacket
Areas of Application for BJORN Easy Access:
The Graphical Industry
The evaporation of problematic liquids is put to use in concentration and recovery of waste
ink and printing liquids in the graphical industry.
Concentration and recovery of very dirty and sticky types of paint, lacquers and colours
are among the areas where the evaporation of problematic liquids is to be solved by a
BJORN Vacuum Evaporator.
Pharmaceutical Industry
Recycling of organic solvents and concentration of CIP cleaning fluids are examples of
where the pharmaceutical industry has used an Evaporator from BJORN Evaporator.
Galvanic Industry
Hot dip galvanising is one case where a Vacuum Evaporator from BJORN Evaporator
solves the problem of evaporation of problematic liquids.